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Lanjarón is proud to sponsor @toughmudder_uae Abu Dhabi this coming Friday Oct 11, 2019 from 7:30am-2pm. As part of our sponsorship

Lanjarón is proud to sponsor @toughmudder_uae Abu Dhabi this coming Friday Oct 11, 2019 from 7:30am-2pm. As part of our sponsorship, we have earned a few free tickets for our great customers like you worth up to AED500 each. The point of these muddy obstacles is to have fun and build teamwork. There are events for both adults and kids age 5-13. If you would like to participate, please let us know immediately by commenting below and the first 1 to respond will earn 2 free tickets . All info for the event can be found at https://toughmudder.ae/
#200yearsofpurity #plasticneverintheheat #bpafree #fullrecyclablepackaging #uaehealthmovement #drinknatural
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Learn more about Lanjarón at lanjaronarabia.com

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